Tips for Conducting Effective Meetings

Could a great or effective meeting really be attainable? I’ve asked many employees questions to get to the root of what makes them hate meetings.  

Most common responses are:

The overall problem is not meetings themselves; the problem lies in misunderstanding the overall purpose and value of meetings.

How to have a great meeting?

All meetings should be working meetings, where everyone can be an active participant and work towards producing a product. That product might be a new goal, a readjusted goal, a collaborative plan, document outline, new procedure, or a decision.

Whatever the product, all the people chosen to be at the meeting, should be active participants in the development of the final product. Ideas should be presented and evaluated in light of a common objective. Employees should all feel heard and valued, and most importantly, everyone should be clear about the role they have to play.

Effective meetings keep attendees engaged and produce real, and shareable results. They’ll produce better work, and you’ll have more engaged participants. It’s a win-win!